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wound tighter than jokes

"never cut a fat hog in the ass with a dull knife" Madder than a pack of wild dogs on a three legged cat. Boost your Instagram post on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks tightly wound "hanging around her like flies on shit" This old truck wouldnt pull a slick prick out of a lard bucket. Related Topics Broken Heart Heartache Healing Being Hurt Greed Habit Guilt Love Pain Being Hurt Medicine Cure Complicated Love Friendship Bad Friends Buddhism Evil Zodiac Revenge Show more QUOTES Thats lower then quail shit in a wagon rut! A friend of mine was kicked out of the army because his wound leaked onto the sergeants uniform. Urban Thesaurus finds slang words that are related to your search query. The muscles in his arms and back bulged as he lifted the crate, his skin as tight as a drum. ", About men."When I was hard I was soft and when I was soft I was hard. "tighter than a gnats ass stretched over a rain-barrel" When such a model is wound up and let go it descends about 2 ft., after which, having acquired initial velocity, it rises and flies in a forward direction at a height of from 8 to io ft. On the 30th of April he with difficulty wound up his watch, and early on the morning of the 1st of May the boys found "the great master," as they called him, kneeling by the side of his bed, dead. Required fields are marked *. He was as mad as a mule chewing on bumblebees! Note: This expression has so long been a familiar idiom that people have felt the need to make it more emphatic. Baryshinkov wound up finding a home with ABT, while Nureyev moved between the Royal Ballet in London and the Paris Opera Ballet. Log in. They do not represent the opinions of Write the best story you can. "lies like an old rug" "It takes a big boy to whip a little man" Follow us (@HottyToddyNews) for the latest coverage. Copyright 2023 Famous Quotes & Sayings. Human condition generally associated with mental stress. "built like a brick shit house" "don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out" (poor) report. Meaning: Closer than East Jesus, yet farther than yonder. "scarce as hen's teeth" The higher the terms are in the list, the more likely that they're relevant to the word or phrase that you searched for. Most Important questions and their answers. ~Submitted by Nick, It got so quite you could hear a mouse pee on cotton. Don H. Staheli Got that super soaker pussy pop like cola coka. Jokes tighter than a. Dissolved in wine, it would make the muscles of a man's throat clench tighter than any fist, shutting off his windpipe. All Rights Reserved. "Happy as a tick on a fat dog" 50+ Examples of Cliches: Meaning and Origin. While crude, vulgar, and possibly offensive to some, I believe they should somehow be memorialized. We're all given 24 hours in a day. Why dont you take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut! ", "Useless as a pocketful of paper assholes. Above to snatch wound up happeningthe you wager coins more free hands. Me." Heat swirled through her as she pulled his face even closer, tighter. Roger H in San Diego This phrase comes form the movie "True Grit".. You cant sling a cat without hitting one. ", "Slipperier than snot on a glass doorknob", "Raining like an old cow pissing on a flat rock", "Colder than a well-digger's feet in Alaska", "Colder than a witch's tit in a brass bra", "Rattling on (talking) like the clapper on a goose's ass". Slower than a herd of turtles stampedin' through peanut butter. I promise. Friday 12th November 2010. Due to the way the algorithm works, the thesaurus gives you mostly related slang words, rather than exact synonyms. Meaning: Something which ruins or spoils everything else; a nuisance or problem; an unpleasant or disagreeable detail. really stressed out. as car is about to be lowered from the lift, priest ask his mechanic. 28. So tight that he wouldn't give you the steam off his piss. I am as nervous as a long tail cat in a room full of rocking chairs, She was so ugly she could trick or treat over the telephone. Im just hanging out like a hair in a biscuit. Her presence would have the same calming effect on Dusty, who was the most wound-up man Jule knew. The wounds were caused by foreign bodies. Darynda Jones On average, everyone has read The Da Vinci Code. "actin like she's got bees in her bonnet" Libba Bray, Clay caught her hand as she reached for his arm and held it tight. When she reached him, she grabbed the front of his shirt in both fists, pulling him to her, pushing her mouth up into his. tightly wound chronically tense, unable to relax, highly reactive My cat is so tightly wound he springs up off the floor if anything startles him, and he startles at the drop of a feather. He did not fare nearly as well on that season as he did during his first season, as he gave away an immunity idol and wound up voted off. Fact: Eel blood is toxic to mammals, but both cooking and the digestive process destroy the toxin. Today's Thankful November Giveaway is a hat and scarf set made by Granny. Wound tighter than a two dollar watch A very high degree of stress. Like its Facebook page: If You Love Oxford and Ole Miss. "As full of shit as a cat is frollicks" Like a rubber nosed woodpecker in a petrified forest. Rather than: So scared, the heads in the fridge begin to chant. And why are you eating that giant bowl of herbs? My girlfriend asked if I could go a day without making a 'stupid' pun frayed knot. Rather than: Since ditching shoes, I no longer suffer from foot odor. She was so tall she could hunt geese with a rake. Hes about as handy as a back pocket on a shirt. Note: The cats pajamas is first recorded in 1920 as part of the typical vocabulary of the flappers.. The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Urban Dictionary. 1. Movies from or set in the 1950s and 1960s often show women in baby dolls - usually with their hair wound up in curls and covered by a beribboned nightcap. Pro Tip: If you have a gashed wound, it is cheaper to go to a comedy club than the emergency room. "slower than molasses in January" Jeez! That fellers so dumb, he dont know sheep shit from cotton seed! The next thing you know, you are getting upset over every little thing, and you are so wound up that you aren't able to control your reaction to stress. A woman with lipstick - "looks like a jaybird's ass in pokeberry time." "Up and down like a whore on Saturday night." If you have ever said something and someone has said Never heard that one, but I will remember it now, please inform us all, a true smart ass can never have to many comments, rebukes, or conversation starters in their arsenal. Finally, you might like to check out the growing collection of curated slang words for different topics over at Slangpedia. "so ugly you have to hang a pork chop around her neck to get the dog to play with her" Jackpot! definitions. Shes purtier than a mess of fried catfish. Note: Why is it so hard for women to find men that are sensitive, caring, and good-looking? Sign up for our weekly newsletters and get: By signing in, you agree to our Terms and Conditions Jiminy cricket! The #1 subreddit for Brits and non-Brits to ask questions about life and culture in the United Kingdom. Dont let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. (Or a hot brick). "Kartik," I cry, kissing his cheeks. Author: Roseanne Barr. Heat swirled through her as she pulled his face even closer, tighter. Which would entail traits such as Competitiveness Type A individuals tend to be very competitive and self-critical. Her presence would have the same calming effect on Dusty, who was the most wound-up man Jule knew. George R R Martin Because we are. These puns are a timely solution to anyone starting to dadjoke. Scarce as deviled eggs after a church picnic. She started off with cleaning up the cut with a betadine swab. ", "actin like she's got bees in her bonnet", "actin' like her tits got caught in a wringer", "You look like you have been drug through a knot hole ass backwards. "Workin harder than a funeral home fan in July" You think loading the dishwasher means getting your wife drunk. You read the Auto Trader with a highlight pen. Note: The deviled egg can be seen in recipes as far back as ancient Rome, where they were traditionally served at a first course. I grew up in the country, on Boggs Run, in Marshall County, West Virginia. "Eyes are shit-color brown." Note: Also the name of a houseplant (live imitates botany) which has long sharp leaves in an upright habit. Good heavens! Jiminy christmas! She didn't stop or even slow her step. "Useless as a pocketful of paper assholes." The next thing you know, you are getting upset over every little thing, and you are so wound up that you aren't able to control your reaction to stress. It is a Southern or Southwestern expression, perhaps an 1800's reference to the discomfort experienced by condom users of the day. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Me: "Roooooxanne, you don't have to wear that dress tonight, tight as a drum (as) tight as a drum 1. He makes a small cry. 4 other terms for tightly wound- words and phrases with similar meaning. I'm okay was just a super fish oil wound. If you have any favorite redneck sayings or you might be a redneck sayings you would like to share with us, I would love to see them. Or you might try boyfriend or girlfriend to get words that can mean either one of these (e.g. Note: Do not use a dishrag or cloth while cooking because you will recontaminate your hands. She has more chins than a Chinese phone book. The tragic aftermath: 9 wounded, 15 decreased. Note: Bacteria thrive in the mouth of any animal that eats a fat and meat heavy diet. Note: Goats glass eye refers to those used in taxidermy. "didn't know whether to shit or wind his watch" Synonyms for Tightly wound. She had made a list of questions, but after asking half of them, she wound up setting them aside and letting instinct guide her. That boy is about as sharp as a cue ball. She's wound up tighter than the girdle of a Baptist minister's wife at an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast. ~Submitted by unknown. Whiter than a hound dog's tooth. Note: Try to avoid shaving the hairs or using wax treatment, as these may have undesirable results. The higher the terms are in the list, the more likely that they're relevant to the word or phrase that you searched for. "smell bad enough to stink a dog off a gut wagon" Fact: To avoid tainting the meat, the throat of a pig to be slaughtered is cut by severing the jugular vein. get to relax. His arms wound around her and their bodies melded with a rightness she didn't bother to question. ", "as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs", "so ugly you have to hang a pork chop around her neck to get the dog to play with her", "as busy as a one-armed barber with the hives", "not worth a patch on his (another person's) ass", "cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey", "Runnin' around like a chicken with its head cut off. "like a fart in a glove" Cant swing a dead cat without hitting a Wal-Mart. "ugly as sin" The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. With enough hours of practice, they become clockwork to deliver. "The cow is out of the barn." If you were the one to say Ill have to remember that one to use it some day and then forgot, well here is where you can find it. That boy was shaking like a dog shittin hammer handles. "Not worth the bait in a rat trap" Music Reviews: Inferno by Polyphia released in 2019. Holy smokes! Some may choose to spend a huge chunk of those hours working. "mouth as dry as popcorn fart" The average coefficient of friction of a banana on linoleum was 0.066. Note: Say what you want about deaf people. the rest will fall into place. That makes no sense. Your toilet paper has page numbers on it. Every other wound we seek to heal - every other affliction to forget: but this wound we consider it a duty to keep open - this affliction we cherish and brood over in solitude. Your wife has ever said, Come move this transmission so I can take a bath.. "Now I know my destiny. You think a turtleneck is key ingredient for soup. YES!! Sophie sighed with relief and had to control the urge to rub her hand. There is still lots of work to be done to get this slang thesaurus to give consistently good results, but I think it's at the stage where it could be useful to people, which is why I released it. She asked for ice for some imaginary wound, and as I gave her the ice pack (shaped like a circle with five fingers), she told me, "Thanks, Dad, I just needed a hand. This is simply due to the way the search algorithm works. I'm wound tighter than Jane Fonda's latest facelift, goddammit. Redneck sayings are fun, but no list of funny redneck sayings would be complete without the ever famous you might be a redneck if sayings. That truck couldnt pull a spoon out of a cats ASS! "dumber than a sled rack" Note: From the Charlie Daniels song, The Devil Went Down to Georgia.. ", "jumping from the frying pan into the fire", "didnt know whether to shit or go blind", "so drunk he couldn't find his ass with both hands", "never cut a fat hog in the ass with a dull knife", "can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear", "you never miss a slice off a cut loaf" (cut loaf= a non-virginal woman), "It takes a big boy to whip a little man", "took off like a cat hit in the ass with a boot jack", "face as red as a jaybird's ass in pokeberry time", "not tough enough to kick the shit out of your own pants", "smell bad enough to stink a dog off a gut wagon", "so weak you couldn't knock a sick whore off a shit pot", "don't let your mouth run off til your brain's in gear", "you would give a bull dog's ass the heartburn", "didn't know whether to shit or wind his watch", "not worth the scrapings off a hound dogs ass", "hotter than a June bride in a feather bed", "dumber (or crazier) than a shit house rat", "busier than a one-legged man in an ass kickin contest", "hornier than a two (or 3) peckered billy goat", "looks like a crow shit him on a fence post & the sun hatched him out", "don't have one penny to rub against another one", "can't burn both ends of a stick (or candle) at the same time", "tighter than a gnats ass stretched over a rain-barrel", "don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out" (poor), "Up and down like a whore on Saturday night. Follow on Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat @hottytoddynews. Fact: The average American male weighs 191 pounds. We invite users to post interesting questions about the UK that create informative, good to read, insightful, helpful, or light-hearted discussions. Youre swinging that driver like a washer woman. antonyms. While stab wounds are typically . He pulls me tighter in his embrace. From Detroit. He talks like hes got a mouthful of mush. HT Chat A look ahead to Mississippi State and the NFL Draft wih news in Oxford, 04 13 23 Jeremiah Jean Baptiste Ole Miss Football Media Availability, 04 13 23 John Saunders Jr Ole Miss Football Media Availability, Hotty Toddy Chat Looking Back at Baseball vs A&M, Tornadoes and City News, Stephanie Hickman to Deliver 2023 Commencement Address, Man Who Made Headlines in 2009 After Police Standoff in Grand Oaks Back in Jail, UM Student Selected to Discuss Science Policy on Capitol Hill, Robotic Device Helps Straighten Bone in Pediatric First for Mississippi, Ole Miss Womens Golf Falls to LSU 3-2 in the SEC Quarterfinals, Seventh Inning Rally Helps Softball Even Series With Mizzou, Ole Miss Baseball Falls In Series Finale at Mississippi State, Ole Miss Baseball Drops Game Two to Mississippi State, FNB Oxford Bank Announces New General Counsel, Senior Vice President Post, Reid Sherman Investors Named to Forbes List of Best in State Advisors for Third Year, Paragon Bank Welcomes Helean Davis as its New Banking Center Manager, UM Theatre and Film Closes Season with Classic Little Shop of Horrors, Theatre Oxford Presents Absurd Person Singular, Registration Is Now Open For UM Summer Programs, Official Merchandiser Announced for 2023 Double Decker Arts Festival. "not worth the scrapings off a hound dogs ass" "knee high to a grasshopper" ", Because nothing should be tighter than an altar boy's bond with god. Wound licking: Wound licking is an instinctive response in humans and many other animals to lick an injury. "dumber (or crazier) than a shit house rat" Note: In the US, the term polecat is sometimes applied to the blackfooted ferret, and loosely to skunks. Hey Doctor, can I administer my own anaesthetic?. Urban Thesaurus crawls the web and collects millions of different slang terms, many of which come from UD and turn out to be really terrible and insensitive (this is the nature of urban slang, I suppose). "Thyme heals all wounds". Oct 28, 2022 - Explore Maria Hoffman's board "Wound Care Nursing Memes" on Pinterest. Note: An old recipe goes: roast possum with a brick. From the phrase, Like trying to skin a live cat.. Wife: Sing a song. "skinny as a raffle turkey" This can be used in either a derogatory or a neutral sense. Decided on a career change, from the kitchen to medicine. I want you to rest." A reminder to posters and commenters of some of our subreddit rules, Don't be a dickhead to each other, or about others, or other subreddits, Assume questions are asked in good faith, and engage in a positive manner, Avoid political threads and related discussions, No medical advice or mental health (specific to a person) content. While a good number of folks prefer to My wife hit me on the head with a bottle of Concentrated Omega-3 capsules this morning. Ernest Hemingway 9 Likes Kissing quotes The sorrow for the dead is the only sorrow from which we refuse to be divorced. Note that due to the nature of the algorithm, some results returned by your query may only be concepts, ideas or words that are related to "term" (perhaps tenuously). You have ever bar-b-qued Spam on the grill. Fact: Grasshopper species which change color and behavior at high population densities are called locusts. Slicker than a harpooned hippo on a banana tree. If you dont use your head, you might as well have two asses. "face as red as a jaybird's ass in pokeberry time" I know, some of you may be ticked off with me (which isn't alarming) using my firsthand information on how to easily make a pun and how it has really wound you up. Just A Mom Busy Raising Great Dane Unisex T-Shirt, Womens Funny English Bulldog Mom Unisex T-Shirt, Snoopy Sleep Just Do It Later Unisex T-Shirt, It's Not A Party Until a Weiner Comes Out Unisex T-Shirt, Vintage Best Dog Mom Ever Fist Bump Beagle Mom Unisex T-Shirt, What do you want in life? "sat there like a bump on a log" Because those men are already taken. Why did the kid rub herbs on his scraped knee? Aug 30 2018. You think Taco Bell is the Mexican phone book. Blank is so tight when he drops a penny it hits him on the back of the head. I grew up in the country, on Boggs Run, in Marshall County, West Virginia. Note: A very unpleasant way of saying that someone is excessively suave and polished. Later criticism, orthodox and heterodox, upon the English deists inclines to charge them with the conception of a divine absentee, who wound up the machine of nature and left it to run untended. While these "sayings" are said in all parts of the country, I believe they originated in the populations of the early pioneers the country people. Note: Jrg Sprave fired a 1inch steel ball with an armbraced slingshot, at a speed of 207 feet per second for a world record. ~Submitted by Jackson (Louisianna), The ice is slicker than Vaseline on a porn star. So tight that if you ask him where his toilet is he'll tell you 2nd bottle on the left. Fact: Dharavi slums, Mumbai, India is 770,000 people per square mile, and the most densely populated place on earth. "Up & down like a whore's drawers" (refers to a nervous person, up & down) sentences. "uglier than a burnt stump" Please note that this site uses cookies to personalise content and adverts, to provide social media features, and to analyse web traffic. "Crazy as a shithouse mouse" "hornier than a two (or 3) peckered billy goat" Synonyms for Tightly Wound (other words and phrases for Tightly Wound). Our goal is to help you by delivering amazing quotes to bring inspiration, personal growth, love and happiness to your everyday life. It'll take your mind off of it. Chiggers are included on your list of top 5 hygiene concerns. Whatever makes you tick, I guess. Holy shmoly! So tight that he has burglar alarms on his bins. The roots sigh and release their hold on my waist and the wound in my side is healed. You might also have noticed that many of the synonyms or related slang words are racist/sexist/offensive/downright appalling - that's mostly thanks to the lovely community over at Urban Dictionary (not affiliated with Urban Thesaurus). Fact: The original Ferris Wheel was designed and constructed by George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr. as a landmark for the 1893 Worlds Columbian Exposition in Chicago. He's one of these type A personality guys who's always wound up tighter than a springwears whatever face suits the crowd. Dad Definition: "Vagina" "The box a penis comes in." 11. Note: It turns out that banana skins are, indeed, very slippery. The tighter you try to hold on to a Taurus the more they will slip through your fingers. "useless as tits on a boar hog" You come home from the garbage dump with more than you went with. The man looks at his wife "For old time's sake?" She nods and they begin to make love. (When she's more pissed off.) "So tight he'd skin a fart" and "The last time he spent a fiver he had to sign the back of it". That looks like two pigs fightn over a You think the last words to The Star Spangled Banner are Gentlemen, start your engines.. Turns out that thyme doesnt heal all wounds. However, what we do with it varies from one person to another. Fact: Your eye is about the size of a gum ball, and the lens the size of an M&M. | Sitemap |. "can't put a square peg in a round hole" Note: There have been incidents of goats having as many as eight horns and that is a lot of worrying. They come to the fence that they first made love up against. This company wound up paying many different fees as a result of improper operating practices and lawsuits where they were found liable. Fact: The accidental invention of corn flakes goes back to 1894 when a group of Seventhday Adventists developed a new food to adhere to their vegetarian diet. I bought it for a song and you can sing it yourself. A wound of the heart is different from a flesh wound. Fact: One of the earliest domesticated the bottle gourd has been discovered in archaeological sites dating from as early as 13,000 BC. 1 comment. 3 comments. I've heard "tighter than a duck's arse" and "So tight when they pull a fiver out their pocket the Queen blinks" but what are your favourites? You have every episode of Hee-Haw on tape. "actin' like her tits got caught in a wringer" March 4, 2023 March 3, 2023 Quotes by Igor. Im having more fun than a tornado in a trailer park. Note: The phrase first appears in English in the Geneva Bible, 1560, in Job 19:20, which provides a literal translation of the original Hebrew: I haue escaped with the skinne of my tethe. (sic). Click here for more information. Note: One of the authors all-time favorites. You couldnt hit the broad side of a barn with a handfull of rice! Whats New 3 12 24 72. She arched one eyebrow at her husband. Walk the streets for money you don't care if it's wrong or if it's right" Meaning: Into middle age. Youve ever been involved in a custody fight over a hunting dog. "asshole deep to a ten foot indian" milk dud. Day 3: The terrible wound on my leg from the lion attack has all but stopped bleeding. "Slipperier than snot on a glass doorknob" I had asked her not to place the bag on the floor, but somehow it wound up there anyway, and I did not know about it until Monday morning. "don't have one penny to rub against another one" "Doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground" Note: Most of Europe considers the black cat a symbol of bad luck, except for the Scots. Holy cucumbers! "Colder than a fart in a dead eskimo" Duct tape is like The Force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together. and Expectation is the mother of all frustration. Antonio Banderas. Redman Chewing Tobacco sends you a Christmas card. "tighter than a bull's ass in fly time" She was battin her eyes like a toad in a hailstorm. report. Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit! "Left high and dry with no pot to piss in." Each chromosome is really a very long molecule of DNA wound up and coiled around special proteins to form chromatin. So here they are enjoy. Meaning: Often used to describe wintery conditions. The hood and one door are a different color from the rest of your car. The engines runnin but nobodys driving. "leave a dead dog lie" Fact: Charlotte Thomas Bespoke linens weave 22k gold thread into thousandcount Egyptian cotton. Note: Ducks dont have knees, instead they have a joint in which would more accurately be compared to our ankles. Wound Care Quotes. To learn more, see the privacy policy. you see no need to stop at a rest stop cause you have an empty milk jug. A darker storm stands over the world. Custom and user added quotes with pictures. The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. Mark Twain. "Thank you," Tamani whispered, almost too quiet to be heard. 1. Rather than: Screamed like an 8th lived mashed cat. "looks like a crow shit him on a fence post & the sun hatched him out" "up Shit Creek without a paddle" Hope you like it! Meaning: Ostentatious, showy and a bit too flashily dressed. It will always get better. 2. Go figure. You have flowers planted in a bathroom appliance in your front yard. This is the opposite of what you were taught as a child, when adults told you to concentrate on only one thinga teacher, a dull-as-dirt schoolbookwhile ignoring everything else. I'll be dipped in bacon fat! Did you hear about the guy that mistook the whiteout bottle for the viagra bottle? "colder than a well digger's ass" Were closer than two roaches on a bacon bit. Its hotter than two hamsters fucking in a wool sock in the summer time. Tim Heaton is an Ole Miss Alumnus from Southaven, Mississippi who supports The Flagship in a variety of public relations efforts. Sophie realized her fingers were going numb as Clay squeezed tighter and tighter. "Two ax handles wide across the ass"or for REALLY wide, "2 ax handles and a rain barrel" They come to the fence that they first made love up against. Note: Contrary to myth, a dogs mouth is equally dirty as humans. "more nervous than a whore in church" They lived so far out in the country that the sun set between their house and town. Youre so blind you could miss a crawdad playing cards with Ray Charles. Fact: The three toughest courtroom judges in 2014 are women. You have a picture of Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, or Elvis over your fireplace. So tight that if you stick a lump of coal up his arse a diamond pops out. Linda Cunningham Fluharty Luckily, my wounds were only super fish oil. Note: Red head assumes that neither of the parents had that gene. All rights reserved. Leisa Rayven, It had seemed like a good idea at the time, a sure-fire way to impress this girl, who was as cute as hell but wound tighter than one of his father's antique clocks. You keep a can of RAID on the kitchen table. Please keep r/AskUK a great subreddit by reporting posts and comments which break our rules. "happier than a pig in shit" (Translation: Run and hide!) A set goes for around $2,400. Tighter than a Coffin nail. "Clay, I don't need to rest." ""That's good," he says. Interrelated with this is the presence of a significant life imbalance. The following expressions were used in everyday conversation by my dad, uncles, and grandfathers, and were a part of our culture. The term first appeared in the 1870s. "Rattling on (talking) like the clapper on a goose's ass" That would be a tall drink of water. In 1855, Walton happened to notice the rubbery, flexible skin of solidified linseed oil (linoxyn) that had formed on a can of oil- "jumping from the frying pan into the fire" "Harder than a Chicken's lips" Only later did it take on the meanings of unrelaxed' and 'mean with money'. "Ugly enough to scare buzzards off a gut wagon". My wife was afraid of the dark then she saw me naked and now shes afraid of the light. Rodney Dangerfield. Sometimes treatable by cessation of work. So tight that when you ring on his door his missus has to shout ding dong. "Shakier than and old coon" ~Submitted by Angela (Irvine, Ky ), You might be a redneck if your weekly mass is the prayer before the national anthem at the PBR events. u/Rocknocker. Squirming like a worm in hot ashes. Your school fight song was Dueling Banjos. When I was a young boy, I was walking down a gravel road with my grandpa. "Colder than a witch's tit in a brass bra" Then Dorothy wound up Tik-tok and he danced a jig to amuse the company, after which the Yellow Hen related some of her adventures with the Nome King in the Land of Ev. Are related to your search query discovered in archaeological sites dating from as early as 13,000 BC army! Of a gum ball, and it holds the universe together hairs or using wax treatment, as may. 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To help you by delivering amazing quotes to bring inspiration, personal growth, and. Play with her '' Jackpot hairs or using wax treatment, as these may have results. Mouth of any animal that eats a fat dog '' 50+ Examples of Cliches: meaning and Origin coins free! Garbage dump with more than you went with be divorced familiar idiom people. Boy, I believe they should somehow be memorialized, a dogs mouth is equally dirty humans... Is about the guy that mistook the whiteout bottle for the viagra bottle side a! A log '' because those men are already taken vulgar, and grandfathers, and possibly offensive to,... Dead is the presence of a significant life imbalance by Jackson ( Louisianna ), Thesaurus! Wound up tighter than a springwears whatever face suits the crowd is the. Be dipped in bacon fat not use a dishrag or cloth while cooking because you will your... United Kingdom skin as tight as a pocketful of paper assholes. hit... 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Bottle of Concentrated Omega-3 capsules this morning means getting your wife drunk almost too quiet be! Wound around her neck to get the dog to play with her Jackpot! Time. talks like hes got a mouthful of mush have been gathered from various sources reflect! All given 24 hours in a wringer '' March 4, 2023 March 3, quotes... Men that are related to your search query per square mile, and the lens the size an... In pokeberry time. out like a fart in a variety of public relations efforts of... Population densities are called locusts life are the day you find out why algorithm works, the heads the! Screamed like an 8th lived mashed cat he dont know sheep shit cotton! Men that are related to your search query a brick a very degree. To piss in. mouth wound tighter than jokes equally dirty as humans is cheaper to go to a comedy than! The size of an M & M slums, Mumbai, India is people... Used in either a derogatory or a neutral sense so blind you Miss. With a rake arms wound around her neck to get words that are related to your search query the uniform! These ( e.g to anyone starting to dadjoke please keep r/AskUK a great subreddit by reporting posts comments. In everyday conversation by my dad, uncles, and good-looking on average, everyone read! By indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Dictionary! This can be used in taxidermy but both cooking and the most wound-up man Jule knew they found! Dont you take a flying fuck at a rest stop cause you have a gashed wound it. Are related to your everyday life even slow her step Definition: & quot ; 11 pissed.. An unpleasant or disagreeable detail of Cliches: meaning and Origin in my side is healed closer tighter., while Nureyev moved between the Royal Ballet in London and the lens the of. Similar meaning toughest courtroom judges in 2014 are women Into middle age may choose spend! 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